Saturday, March 10, 2012

Is Michael Jackson still alive?

Hello everyone & thanks for stopping by my blog! I am a huge Michael Jackson fan & always have been. I am a 34 yr old woman so my first memories of MJ is from Thriller album. Of course as i got older i enjoy all his music from the beggining with the Jackson 5. Anyways in December 2010 i ran across my first Michael Jackson death hoax video on Youtube. Needless to say i was shocked at what i was hearing & seeing. The first video was of Michael Jackson on Larry King live dressed in disguise as his friend Dave Dave who as a child was a victim of a horrendous crime. His father set him on fire in a hotel room in Florida in the 80's. As MJ does he befriended him & were friends every since. Well at first i was like wow that is for sure MJ but how is this possible & why? Then as i researched more video's i found more & more things that i had never noticed like the body of MJ sitting up while in the helicopter transporting him from the hospital to the morgue. No doctor would sign the death certificate so La Toya Jackson MJ's sister signed it. That can not be legal right? It has to be signed by a Dr or law officials. I know La Toya at one point was on a reality show where she & other celebs got to be police officers but i don't believe that in anyway made her an official real police officer. They just rode around with real cops acting like cops for entertainment purposes it was just a show. Like 2days after Mj died Katherine Jackson MJ's mother was seen shopping at target for sleeping bags as if she hadn't a care in the world. The kids seemed fine when seen in public. The siblings of MJ were always cheerful at public events right after MJ died. Jermaine made the announcement that Mj had passes when it is always done by the doctors or police or someone. It took months to have a public memorial where the first song we heard was "soon we are gonna see the king" Jermaine Jackson sung MJ's fav song "smile" but he missed up the lyrics. It should of been "light up your face with gladness hide every trace of sadness" but he sang " light up your face with sadness hide every trace of gladness". The main picture shown on the big screen was a pic of MJ from the Liberian girl video. The Liberian girl video was about everyone looking for MJ but no one knows he in plain sight watching everyone looking for him as he directing the video. The last pic shown said I'm alive & here forever. Why would they choose it to say that when it's a memorial because he is dead.? Makes no sense but as i have learned a lot of stuff doesn't make sense when it comes to the "death" of Michael Jackson. There's so so so much more i will get into on this blog. For example 2 months to finally be buried, To this day almost 3 yrs later there is still no name on his grave. Not mention the wrong name being used in this whole case. Michael Jackson real legal name from birth is Michael Joe Jackson. Conrad Murray was charged & found guilty of manslaughter against Alleged Victim Michael Joseph Jackson.. Autopsy is of Michael Joseph Jackson. Birth certificate says Joe MJ's family has stated it is Joe 2005 case was JOE on the legal court documents & all passports & driver's licences say Joe. His Motown & other contracts say Joe. The trial was fake there is so much more going on & i am doing this blog as a way for me to talk about my feelings & thoughts of it all. I am intrigued & want to learn more & i hope if anyone reading this has not yet heard of the possible death hoax of Michael Jackson please do yourself a favor & have an open mind. Do some research for yourself, you may be surprised at what you find out. A great place to start in my opinion is on Youtube. Search JonellStarTV channel. She did a great job from the start & once you watch her video's you will be shocked. Also other great channels are esprit467, magicalXscapism, seekingtruthMJ, MJHoaxEvidence & PearlJr. These people are amazing & very reliable in their facts. Please leave a comment if you like or have any info to offer if you are a fellow believer. I welcome all. It's all for L.O.V.E!

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