Monday, March 12, 2012

Are Michael Jackson's kids in on the hoax? I THINK SO!

  • The number 1 reason some people say Michael Jackson would never of had faked his death is because of the 3 most important people in his life besides his Mother who we all know he adored is his children. Prince Michael, Paris Katherine & Prince Michael 2nd AKA (Blanket). They say he would have never ever left his kids alone to believe he was dead & be raised by someone else. That he would of never allowed his kids to be seen in public without mask, never be in public school, never be in the entertainment business & more.  
    Well for starters for those who say Michael would never have allowed them or wanted their identities to be known. Maybe you don't know about this but right before he "passed" he himself brought the children out in public with NO mask or disguises of any sort. He was well aware their pictures were being taken & he proudly walked right beside them down the street like any normal dad. So you see Michael did indeed want & allowed them to be in public & be known. I BeLIEve it was because it was part of the plan he had & knew he needed to let everyone know he was okay with it as he knew soon they would be household names & faces & the spot light was about to shine right on them. As far as he would never leave them alone to BeLIEve he was dead & be raised by someone else, I don't think for one minute he would ever do that either. I do BeLIEve they knew full well what he was planning & why they would have to act as if he had died. Michael's children are very smart C'mon they been raised by a guineas. He left the children in the care of his Mother Katherine Jackson not some stranger. He himself lived with his mother until he was in his 30's at the same home his children reside in with his mother. Hayvenhurst was & is his home. I think it is 100% possible Michael could be within those gates of that home with his children at any given time. Michael is a master of disguises so he could see his kids & not be recognized by anyone entering or leaving. IMO
    Next for those who say he would of never allowed his kids to be in the entertainment business. Remember this in an interview with Barbara Walters in 1997 she asked him how he would feel if one of his kids wanted to get in the business. He said he would tell him all the good & the bad of it, tell him if he's gonna do it then be the best there is at it & he would support him he chose to do it. It is a known fact that before he passed he had all his kids in acting lessons by one of the best there is. He was supporting their dreams. Paris wanted to be & now is an actress & Prince wants to do directing & i BeLIEve is already dabbling in it now. So you see YES Michael would & is allowing his kids to be in the entertainment business.                  
                                                             Last the big thing people say & that is Paris at the Memorial aired live with millions of people watching live all over the world. They say he wouldn't of made her stand there & cry & those tears were real. I agree he wouldn't of made her do that & those tears were real. I BeLIEve what we actually witnessed was Paris first live performance. She wanted to do it & she had prepared & practiced. In her first television solo interview with The Ellen DeGeneres show which she was on due to her now being an actress & staring in first movie called Lundon's bridge & the three keys. Which by the way is about a girl who doesn't BeLIEve her dad is dead & goes on a journey to find him. Anyways In that interview Paris talks about how when she was younger her & her dad Michael would role play & she was very good a crying on the spot. Which i BeLIEve was a clue to let us know her crying at the memorial could of been acting. She's well known for the crying at the memorial so why would she bring up how she can fake cry on the spot? 
    Personally i BeLIEve Michael Jackson is still alive & his kids are as they have always appeared to be  just fine. They were never hurt or left to BeLIEve their father was dead because he never died. Michael is making history just open your mind & see what's in front of you. Please i encourage you to look into the possibility he's still alive. You will be surprised at what you find out & i promise you you will BeLIEve. This is only my thoughts & opinions based on facts i know. I will be getting into more soon just thought i would start with my thoughts about what i think is the number 1 reason people refuse to BeLIEve!

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